University of Ferrara, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
Italian Institute of Technology, Translational Neurophysiology Center
PhD Course on Traslational Neurosciences and Neurotechnologies
Helsinki Computational Inverse Problems and OASIS Research Groups

Inverse problems and inspection techniques
in neuroscience and other fields

Monday, June 4th, 2018

classroom 1, via Machiavelli 30, Ferrara, Italy


Prof. Samuli Siltanen, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland
Prof. Luciano Fadiga, Univ. of Ferrara and IIT, Italy
Jonatan Lehtonen, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland
Carla Bertocchi, Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Serena Crisci, Univ. of Ferrara, Italy

Aims and scope

Aims of this miniworkshop is to stimulate the cooperation of three leading research groups of different fields, Mathematics and Neuroscience, while promoting ideas contamination.
Scope of the initiative are mathematical methods in inverse problems solution and their applications to different areas, as well as advanced neuroscience techniques for brain monitoring.


Gaetano Zanghirati, Uni.v of Ferrara
Tatiana A. Bubba, Univ. of Helsinki

Event sponsors

Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Univ. Ferrara

Dept. of Biomedical and Surgery-Specialistic Sciences, Univ. Ferrara

Research units

Computational Inverse Problems Research Group, Univ. of Helsinki

Italian Institute of Technology
Translational Neurophysiology Center, Univ. of Ferrara

Optimization Algorithms and Software for Inverse problemS

Credits: Castle image from