
Curriculum Vitae


AGaFe 2024


Computer Algebra

The Stacks Project
Grothendieck Circle


Publications and Preprints


  1. A. Laface, A. Massarenti, William D. Montoya, Mori dream singular K3 surfaces, preprint 2024, (arXiv:2412.17036v1).
  2. A. Massarenti, F. Zucconi, The moduli space of genus 8 Fano 3-folds with two ½(1,1,1)-points is rational, preprint 2024, (arXiv:2408.13080v1).
  3. A. Massarenti, Rational points on even dimensional Fermat cubics, preprint 2024, (arXiv:2406.07223v2).
  4. M. Bolognesi, A. Massarenti, E. Poma, Cox rings of blow-ups of multiprojective spaces, preprint 2023, (arXiv:2308.11283v1).
  5. C. Araujo, A. Corti, A. Massarenti, Birational geometry of Calabi-Yau pairs and 3-dimensional Cremona transformations, preprint 2023, (arXiv:2306.00207v2).
  6. A. Massarenti, M. Mella, Bronowski's conjecture and the identifiability of projective varieties, Duke Mathematical Journal, 2024, Vol. 173, Issue 17, 3293-3316,(arXiv:2210.13524v3).
  7. A. Massarenti, M. Mella, On the birational geometry of conic bundles over the projective space, Mathematische Nachrichten, 2024, Vol. 297, Issue 4, 1208-1220, (arXiv:2110.10057v2).
  8. A. Laface, A. Massarenti, Ample bodies and Terracini loci of projective varieties, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 2024, Vol. 56, Issue 1, 396-410, (arXiv:2304.07276v1).
  9. A. Massarenti, On the unirationality of quadric bundles, Advances in Mathematics, 2023, Vol. 431, 109235, (arXiv:2204.08793v3).
  10. A. Massarenti, Quartic and quintic hypersurfaces with dense rational points, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 2023, Vol. 11:e55, 1-21, (arXiv:2212.14626v1).
  11. A. Laface, A. Massarenti, R. Rischter, Decomposition algorithms for tensors and polynomials, SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, 2023, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 264-290, (arXiv:2107.04097v1).
  12. A. Casarotti, E. Corniani, A. Massarenti, Complete singular collineations and quadrics, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2023, Issue 18, 15370-15407, (arXiv:2111.02940v3).
  13. A. Laface, A. Massarenti, R. Rischter, On secant defectiveness and identifiability of Segre-Veronese varieties, Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 2022, Vol. 38, N. 5, 1605-1635, (arXiv:2006.02395v3).
  14. E. Corniani, A. Massarenti, Complete symplectic quadrics and Kontsevich spaces of conics in Lagrangian Grassmannians, Advances in Mathematics, 2022, Vol. 397, 108205, (arXiv:2012.13999v2).
  15. A. Barbosa Freire, A. Casarotti, A. Massarenti, On secant dimensions and identifiability of flag varieties, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2022, Vol. 226, Issue 6, 106969, (arXiv:1912.00788v1).
  16. M. Bolognesi, A. Massarenti, Birational geometry of moduli spaces of configurations of points on the line, Algebra & Number Theory, 2021, Vol. 15, N. 2, 513-544, (arXiv:1702.00068v2).
  17. C. Araujo, T. Fassarella, I. Kaur, A. Massarenti, On automorphisms of moduli spaces of parabolic vector bundles, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2021, Vol. 2021, Issue 3, 2261-2283, (arXiv:1902.04136v1).
  18. A. Barbosa Freire, A. Casarotti, A. Massarenti, On tangential weak defectiveness and identifiability of projective varieties, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, 2021, Vol. XXII, 1621-1642, (arXiv:2002.09915v3).
  19. C. Lozano Huerta, A. Massarenti, On the weak Lefschetz principle in birational geometry, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 2021, Vol. 68, Issue 1, 47-55, (arXiv:2009.11408v1).
  20. A. Massarenti, On the birational geometry of spaces of complete forms I: collineations and quadrics, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 2020, Vol. 121, Issue 6, 1579-1618, (arXiv:1803.09161v2).
  21. A. Barbosa Freire, A. Massarenti, R. Rischter, Projective aspects of the geometry of Lagrangian Grassmannians and Spinor varieties, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 2020, Vol. 159, 102824-102850, (arXiv:1812.07474v1).
  22. C. Lozano Huerta, A. Massarenti, The Lefschetz principle in birational geometry: birational twin varieties, Birational Geometry and Moduli Spaces, 2020, Springer INdAM Series, Vol. 39, 109-131, (arXiv:1811.07714v2).
  23. A. Laface, A. Massarenti, R. Rischter, On Mori chamber and stable base locus decompositions, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2020, Vol. 373, N. 3, 1667-1700, (arXiv:1805.10925v3).
  24. A. Massarenti, On the birational geometry of spaces of complete forms II: skew-forms, Journal of Algebra, 2020, Vol. 546, 178-200, (arXiv:1803.09011v4).
  25. C. Araujo, A. Massarenti, R. Rischter, On non-secant defectivity of Segre-Veronese varieties, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2019, Vol. 371, N. 4, 2255-2278, (arXiv:1611.01674v1).
  26. A. Massarenti, R. Rischter, Non-secant defectivity via osculating projections, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, 2019, Vol. XIX, 1-34, (arXiv:1610.09332v1).
  27. C. Araujo, M. Corrêa, A. Massarenti, Codimension one Fano distributions on Fano manifolds, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2018, Vol. 20, N. 5, 1750058-1750085, (arXiv:1702.04751v1).
  28. A. Casarotti, A. Massarenti, M. Mella, On Comon's and Strassen's conjectures, Mathematics, 2018, Vol. 6, N. 11, 217, (arXiv:1810.09338v1).
  29. M. Bolognesi, A. Massarenti, Varieties of sums of powers and moduli spaces of (1,7)-polarized abelian surfaces, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2018, Vol. 125, 23-32, (arXiv:1704.06964v2).
  30. A. Massarenti, R. Rischter, Spherical blow-ups of Grassmannians and Mori Dream Spaces, Journal of Algebra, 2018, Vol. 494, 188-219, (arXiv:1705.04972v2).
  31. A. Massarenti, M. Mella, G. Staglianò, Effective identifiability criteria for tensors and polynomials, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2018, Vol. 87, 227-237, (arXiv:1703.02637v1).
  32. B. Fantechi, A. Massarenti, On the rigidity of moduli of weighted pointed stable curves, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2018, Vol. 222, Issue 10, 3058-3074, (arXiv:1701.05861v1).
  33. A. Massarenti, On the biregular geometry of the Fulton-MacPherson compactification, Advances in Mathematics, 2017, Vol. 322, 97-131, (arXiv:1603.06991v2).
  34. A. Massarenti, M. Mella, On the automorphisms of Hassett's moduli spaces, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2017, Vol. 369, N. 12, 8879-8902, (arXiv:1307.6828v2).
  35. B. Fantechi, A. Massarenti, On the rigidity of moduli of curves in arbitrary characteristic, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2017, Vol. 2017, Issue 8, 2431-2463, (arXiv:1407.2284v2).
  36. C. Araujo, A. Massarenti, Explicit log Fano structures on blow-ups of projective spaces, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 2016, Vol. 113, Issue 4, 445-473, (arXiv:1505.02460v1).
  37. M. Bolognesi, A. Massarenti, Moduli of abelian surfaces, symmetric theta structures and theta characteristics, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 2016, Vol. 91, Issue 3, 563-608, (arXiv:1409.5033v2).
  38. A. Massarenti, Generalized varieties of sums of powers, Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, 2016, Vol. 47, Issue 3, 911-934, (arXiv:1401.2059v1).
  39. A. Massarenti, M. Mella, On the automorphisms of moduli spaces of curves, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2014, Vol. 79, 149-168,
  40. A. Massarenti, The automorphism group of Mg,n, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2014, Vol. 89, 131-150, (arXiv:1110.1464v1).
  41. S. Marchesi, A. Massarenti, Varieties connected by chains of lines, Geometriae Dedicata, 2014, Vol. 168, Issue 1, 61-68, (arXiv:1106.0124v1).
  42. A. Massarenti, M. Mella, Birational aspects of the geometry of varieties of sums of powers, Advances in Mathematics, 2013, Vol. 243, 187-202, (arXiv:1010.1707v2).
  43. A. Massarenti, E. Raviolo, The rank of nxn matrix multiplication is at least 3n2-2√2n3/2-3n, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2013, Vol. 438, Issue 11, 4500-4509.
    Erratum: The rank of nxn matrix multiplication is at least 3n 2 -2√2n3/2-3n, (Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2013, 438:11, 4500-4509), Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 445, 369-371, (arXiv:1211.6320v2).
  44. S. Marchesi, A. Massarenti, S. Tafazolian, Covered by lines and conic connected varieties, Le Matematiche, 2011, Vol. LXVI, Fasc. II, 137-151, PRAGMATIC 2010, (arXiv:1105.5918v2).


  1. P. Ellia, A. Massarenti, Algebra Lineare e Geometria, 2024, Esculapio.
  2. P. Ellia, A. Massarenti, Algebra Lineare e Geometria. Esercizi svolti, 2025, Esculapio.